Array API

.ds.array(element[, options]) and .ds.array(Array[, options])

An array can be created using the .ds.array method on a JSAV instance. It takes one parameter indicating either a DOM/jQuery Element (ul or ol) or a JavaScript Array. For example, to initialize and add to the visualization an array with four elements, the following code creates an array like the one below.

var arr = av.ds.array([10, 13, 99, 25]);

Array indexing begins at zero.

The returned array instance is controlled through a collection of methods explained next. Note that changes to the array contents must go through this API (using the .value method), since the array contents must be managed by JSAV rather than by the developer.

Options that the second, optional, parameter can specify:


Removes the DOM element of this structure from the document. This is useful, for example, in re-initializing exercises when the existing structure needs to be removed.


Create and return a clone of an array. The clone will remain invisible until the show method is called on it.

.css(indices, cssPropertyName)

Returns the value of CSS property cssPropertyName for the first index matching the indices parameter. Parameter indices can be a number, array, true, or function like for the highlight method.

.css(indices, css)

Apply the given CSS properties to the specified indices. Parameter indices can be a number, array, true, or function like for the highlight method. When indices is true, then css is applied to all elements of the array. The argument css should be an object with property name-and-value pairs. For example, to make positions 0 and 4 have green color and lightgray background:

arr.css([0, 4], {"color": "green", "background-color": "#eee"});

Returns: a JSAV array object. Thus, this method can be chained.


Returns the value of CSS property cssPropertyName for the array.


Apply the given CSS properties to the array element. The argument css should be an object with property name-and-value pairs. For example, to move the array 20 pixels to the right:

arr.css({"left": "+=20px"});


Make the array invisible.


Call to highlight without any parameters will highlight all elements in the array. Note that this will only apply the color and background-color of CSS class jsavhighlight to the array elements. It is up to the author to make sure the loaded CSS files include such styling.

Returns: a JSAV array object. Thus, this method can be chained.


Highlight the given index number.


Highlight the indices in the given indexlist. For example, the following would highlight array positions 1, 2, and 5.

arr.highlight([1, 2, 5]);


Highlights all the indices that the passed function returns true. For example, to highlight all even indices:

arr.highlight(function(index) { return index%2==0; });


If the given boolean value is true, all the indices are highlighted. If false, none are. For example, to highlight all indices:



Removes the highlight from the given indices. There are corresponding versions of this function with parameters like for highlight.

Returns: a JSAV array object. Thus, this method can be chained.


Returns true or false depending on whether the element at index number is highlighted or not.


Make the array visible.


Returns the size of the array. For the array defined in the array creation example above, the following would return 4:


.swap(index1, index2, [options])

Swaps the values of the two array positions. Options supported:


Returns the value of the element at the given index.

.value(index, newValue)

Sets the value of the element at the given index to the given value.

.toggleLine(index, [options])

Toggles a marker line above a given array index for bar layout. For other layouts, does nothing. Options that can be passed:


Returns true if the array is empty.

.addClass(index, className, [options])

Adds the CSS class className to given indices and animates the changes. Like for the rest of array methods, index can be a number, array of numbers, or a function.

.removeClass(index, className, [options])

Removes the CSS class className to given indices and animates the changes. Like for the rest of array methods, index can be a number, array of numbers, or a function.

.toggleClass(index, className, [options])

Toggles the CSS class className to given indices and animates the changes. Like for the rest of array methods, index can be a number, array of numbers, or a function.

.hasClass(index, className, [options])

Return true/false based on if the given index has the CSS class className. Parameter index should be a number.


Returns an ArrayIndex object correcponding to the array index at the given position. The ArrayIndex object has all the functions JSAV node objects have, like .css, .toggle/add/remove/hasClass, and .highlight.


The array has functions to attach event handlers for the array elements. The events that can be listened for are: click, dblclick, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup, mouseenter, and mouseleave. See jQuery documentation for details on the events. Every event handler gets as a first parameter the index of the array element that the event was triggered for. The last parameter is the jQuery event object. Inside the event handler function, this will refer to the JSAV array object.

Returns: a JSAV array object. Thus, this method can be chained.

Example to toggle arrow on click of an element: {

Since many of the JSAV array functions take the index as the first parameter, they can be used as event handlers. For example, to highlight an index on mouseenter and unhighlight on mouseleave, you can use:


You can also pass custom arguments to the event handler function. To do this, the first argument to the event binding function should be an array of parameters that will be passed as parameters to the event handler function. This is best explained with an example:

arr.mouseenter([{"color": "red"}], arr.css)
.mouseleave([{"color": "black"}], arr.css);

This will use array’s css function as the event handler and pass it another parameter when the event is triggered. On mouse enter, the function call will essentially be: arr(index, {"color": "red"}, e). Here, e is again the jQuery event object.

You can try the result by moving your cursor in to and out of the indices in the interactive example below.

.on(eventName, [data,], handler)

To bind other events than the ones listed above, you can use the on function. It takes as the first parameter the name of the event. Multiple events can be bound by separating their names with spaces. Other parameters are the same as for the shortcuts.

CSS control

There are various options and style effects that can be controlled via CSS.

width and height

By default, array elements are at minimum 45 pixels wide and will automatically expand if the content is wider than that. Width and height can be controlled with the width/height CSS properties. Example:

.jsavarray .jsavindex {
width: 60px;

Width and height will only produce a change if they fall within the range defined by min-width to max-width and min-height to max-height, respectively. Note, that JSAV has specified min-width for array indices to be 45 pixels. If you want to make the indices smaller than that, you will also need to specify the min-width property. For example, to make indices 20px wide:

.jsavarray .jsavindex {
width: 20px;
min-width: 20px;

If you change the height of array elements, you should probably also change the line-height of the text inside. Example:

.jsavarray .jsavindex {
height: 20px;
min-height: 20px;
line-height: 20px